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Dr. Huntsman is your trusted podiatrist at the Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Clinic of Fairbanks. Dr. Huntsman specializes in a wide range of podiatric care, dedicated to improving your foot and ankle health. 


Arthritis can affect your feet and ankles, causing pain, swelling, and reduced mobility. Dr. Huntsman provides expert guidance and treatments to manage arthritis and minimize its impact on your quality of life.

Podiatry in Fairbanks, AK Podiatrist Othopedic and SportsMedicine Clinic of Fairbanks Dr. Huntsman foot and ankle specialist diabetic foot ulcers, bunions, warts, hammertoe

Ankle Pain

Persistent ankle pain can be caused by various issues, from injuries to underlying conditions. Dr. Huntsman offers thorough evaluations and personalized treatment plans to relieve your discomfort and help you regain your mobility.

Ankle Sprains

Ankle sprains are common injuries, but proper care is essential for a full recovery. We can assess the severity of your sprain and create a tailored rehabilitation plan to ensure a speedy and successful recovery.

Foot Ulcers

Foot ulcers can be dangerous for those with diabetes or circulatory issues. Dr. Huntsman provides advanced wound care to promote healing and prevent complications.

Athlete's Foot

Don't let athlete's foot disrupt your active lifestyle. Dr. Huntsman can diagnose and treat this fungal infection, providing relief from itching and discomfort while helping you prevent its recurrence.


Bunions can be both painful and unsightly. Dr. Huntsman offers surgical and non-surgical treatment options to address your bunions and improve your foot's appearance and function.

Diabetic Foot Care

For those with diabetes, proper foot care is crucial. Dr. Huntsman specializes in diabetic foot care to prevent complications, such as ulcers and infections, and keep your feet healthy.

Podiatry in Fairbanks, AK Podiatrist Othopedic and SportsMedicine Clinic of Fairbanks Dr. Huntsman foot and ankle specialist diabetic foot ulcers, bunions, warts, hammertoe, custom orthodics for feet

Custom Orthotics

Custom orthotics are tailored to your specific needs, providing support and comfort for various foot conditions. Dr. Huntsman can create orthotics that fit your feet perfectly and alleviate pain.

Corns and Calluses

​Corns and calluses can be painful and uncomfortable. Dr. Huntsman can safely and effectively remove them, helping you achieve smoother, pain-free feet.

Dry Cracked Feet

Dry and cracked skin on your feet can be both painful and unsightly. Dr. Huntsman can recommend treatments and skincare routines to restore your skin's health and appearance.

Flat Feet

Flat feet can cause discomfort and affect your gait. Dr. Huntsman offers treatments to address this condition and improve your foot function.

Fungal Nails

Fungal nail infections can be stubborn and embarrassing. Dr. Huntsman offers effective treatments to help you regain healthy, clear nails.


Neuropathy can lead to numbness, tingling, and pain in your feet. Dr. Huntsman can help manage neuropathy symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Podiatry in Fairbanks, AK Podiatrist Othopedic and SportsMedicine Clinic of Fairbanks Dr. Huntsman foot and ankle specialist diabetic foot ulcers, bunions, warts, hammertoe


Tendonitis can cause pain and swelling in the tendons of your feet and ankles. Dr. Huntsman offers treatments to alleviate symptoms and promote healing.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be painful and prone to infection. Dr. Huntsman provides expert care, from conservative treatments to surgical interventions, to alleviate the problem.

Heel Pain

Heel pain, often caused by conditions like plantar fasciitis, can be debilitating. Dr. Huntsman specializes in diagnosing and treating heel pain to get you back on your feet.


Hammertoes can be painful and limit your footwear choices. Dr. Huntsman can recommend non-surgical and surgical solutions to correct hammertoe deformities.


Warts on your feet can be uncomfortable and unsightly. Dr. Huntsman offers various wart removal options to get rid of them safely and effectively.

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